Heartbreak Dreamer La la ... I was turning nineteen, on a cold December night Burning like kerosine for nearly half of my life And I barely had the GPA to make it out of Eugene You can blame it on me with a ADHD while I'm falling asleep during the Sat's And as I pack my bags and headed to a foreign land One way ticket on a one way plane Laying my head down to home each night The same devil's calling and that same old fight Cuz this one's for middle surfs living in the middle love Where they coming from and a halfway rush of blood This ones for those first prayers to heaven on a road that seems never ending For all the heartbreak dreamers waiting for the light Looking for just one reason to get through the night Every long lost believer caught in the fight All the heartbreak dreamers gonna be alright Everybody sing La la... And I was turning twenty five in a city that don't sleep Was feeling only half alive to the dreams that I keep And I kept on waiting only she's waiting for me You burning down lane on a quarter tank of pain with soles off your feet And you've been waiting and praying for the right one to come Watch the rising and the falling but another said its certain Nobody seems quite good enough for you except the wrong one she keep running back to So this one's for Mike still waiting for his wife This one's for grandma losing the love of her life This ones for those first prayers to heaven on a road that seems never ending For all the heartbreak dreamers waiting for the light Looking for just one reason to get through the night Every long lost believer caught in the fight All the heartbreak dreamers gonna be alright Everybody sing La la... And this one right here ah. this is for the fat girls This one is a... is for the little brothers This is for the schoolyard wimps, for the childhood bullies who tormented them To the former prom queen and to the no crate ball players For the nighttime serial leaders and for the retired elderly walmart store front door greeters Shake the dust This is for the benches and the people sitting upon For the bus driver's driving a million broken hymns To the men who have to hold down three jobs simply to hold up their children For the nighttime schoolers and for the midnight bike riders trying to fly Shake the dust This is for the two year-olds who cannot be understood because they speak half english and half God Shake the dust For the boys with the beautiful beautiful sisters Shake the dust For the girls with those brothers who are going crazy Those June class wallflowers and the twelve year-old afraid of taking public showers For the kid who is always late to class and forgets the combination to his lockers And the girl who loved somebody else Shake the dust This is for the hard men who want love but know that it won't come For the one's amendments who not stayin' up For the ones who are forgotten For the ones who are told to speak only when you are spoken to And then they are never spoken to speak (La la...) Every time you stands you do not forget yourself Do not let one moment go by that doesn't remind you that your heart beats hundred thousand times a day And that they have gallons