A Moonbeam, Intro 引月 作曲 Composed by : 蔡雯慧 Wen-Hui Tsai 作词 Lyrics by : 蔡雯慧 Wen-Hui Tsai 制作人 Producer : 喜辰晨 Voision Xi 编曲 Arranged by : 蔡雯慧 Wen-Hui Tsai 人声 Vocals : 喜辰晨 Voision Xi/蔡雯慧 Wen-Hui Tsai 念白 Spoken Words : 喜辰晨 Voision Xi 音码器 Vocoder : 蔡雯慧 Wen-Hui Tsai 录音 Recording Engineer : 曾泽源 Teddy Zeng @ 一个音乐梦想 OneMusicDream 混音 Mixing Engineer : 胡仕俊 Austin Hu @ Huanxi Terrace 母带 Mastering Engineer : Eric Lau @ 还律 HUANLÜ Studios A wandering voyager in yesterday's shadows I am the touch of a story amid the tide's ebb and flow In the fleeting moments, my footprints fade on the sand How do you hold a moonbeam, when life's an ever-changing stream? As friends gather around, tales of old are shared In moments when everything else seems to fade away Time passes by, while we laugh and share How do you hold a moonbeam, when time constantly tugs and