Ghost In The Town Dearest Emma, there's a ghost in the town A ghost in the town from where you came Dearest Emma, there are cracks on the wall Voices in the hall that can't escape Can you remember when we all were young When we all were much younger than today? And have you noticed all the signs on the road Causing all who pass to know to please be safe? And I won't keep quiet for the harm I've caused And I can't read wrinkles on your face And I don't have penance for the things I've done I can't explain There is a photo on the dash of our car That has recently gone dark from all the sun Could you imagine if our skin were to fall Would the world just be appalled at what we've done? Dearest Emma, there's a ghost in our town A ghost in the town from where you came All the nights that the dogs wouldn't bark I stare with no remark, a cryin' shame There's a crack in the center of our kitchen floor And I'm curious of what it could destroy As I reach my hand into the dark below I hear your voice And if you want me, like I want you A slow escape of all that's made Our purest stolen virtue And if you need me, like I need you Then that ghost that bore itself below Won't bother me, and babe, it won't bother you