作词 : 洛蕾_Lorelei 作曲 : 苏逸_Suyi 编曲 : 苏逸_Suyi Epoch Winter - 寒冰纪元   歌手:阿扣叩叩 作词:洛蕾_Lorelei 作曲:人形兎 编曲:人形兎/滑行浣熊 吉他:Bitman 贝斯/混音/母带:人形兎   Dies irae, dies illa Requiem…… 彼日彼时,震怒之日 镇魂曲…… Solvet saeclum in favilla Requiem…… 天地燃烧成灰烬 镇魂曲…… Dies irae, dies illa Requiem…… 彼日彼时,震怒之日 镇魂曲…… Solvet saeclum in favilla Requiem…… 天地燃烧成灰烬 镇魂曲……   Butterfly From cocoon Butterfly Confined in ice 火蝶 出自茧中 火蝶 归于冰柩   Sail away Ship of fate Curtain’s raised Staging their follies 启航 命运之船 序幕拉开 上演愚讽剧目   Your flame Set the world on fire There’s no way back Take the throne back from firmament 你的炽焰 点燃焚烧世界的烈火 没有退路 夺取苍穹的御座   The flame Frozen in long night Never see the light Can you hear the mourning song tonight? 那炽热的火焰 在长夜中冰封 从未见过光明的你 是否听见今夜的哀歌?   Butterfly Purify...... Who would fight For sinful right 火蝶 净化...... 谁愿为 有罪之权而战   Sail away Ship of fate Never tamed And never forgave 启航 命运之船 桀骜不驯 永不原谅   Behold, Rosalyne Requiem is not merely for you 看呐,罗莎琳 镇魂曲不只为你而奏   Your pain Floods into the sky With the blood you write Scarlet lament for firmament 你的悲恸 涌入天境 你用鲜血谱写 献给苍穹的猩红挽歌   The game has just begun Turn the upside down Can you hear the darkness howling? 棋局方才开始 要将天地逆转 你是否听见黑暗的啸鸣?   Deny the false doctrine Refind the true gnosis 拒绝虚假的信条 寻回真正的灵知 Better to Reign in Hell  Than serve in Heaven 宁在地狱为王 不在天堂为仆   Defy the hypocrisy Refind the true gnosis 违抗那虚伪之善 寻回真正的灵知 Better to Reign in Hell Than serve in Heaven 宁在地狱为王 不在天堂为仆