Old McDonald Had A Farm Old macdonald had a farm E I E I O And on that farm there had a chickens E I E I O With a cluck cluck here and a cluck cluck there Here a cluck there a cluck Everywhere a cluck cluck Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O Old mcDonald had a farm E I E I O And on that farm he had some dogs e I E I O With a woof woof here and a woof woof there Here a woof there a woof everywhere a woof woof Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O And on that farm he had some turkeys e I E I O With a gobble gobble here a gobble a gobble there Here a gobble there a gobble Everywhere a gobble gobble Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O And on that farm he had some cows e I E I O With a moo moo here and a moo moo there Here a moo there a moo Everywhere a moo moo Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O Alright open up the bardors comon everybody With a cwack cwack here and a cwack cwack there Here a cwack there a cwack Everywhere a cwack cwack With a woof woof here and a woof woof there Here a woof there a woof everywhere a woof woof With a gobble gobble here and a gobble gobble there Here a gobble there a gobble Everywhere gobble With a moo moo here and a moo moo there Here a moo there a moo Everywhere a moo moo Old McDonald had a farm E I E I O