[00:00.153] I got one two three four five six seven [00:02.871] Ideas(想法)太多 [00:03.566] In my mind [00:04.056] 说错会产生problem(问题) [00:05.459] 早就习惯异样的眼光 [00:06.759] 看我是个怪人 [00:07.846] Just living where you at [00:10.088] 让mic check check [00:11.227] 无名指搭在中指后poping(找节奏) [00:13.161] 灵感落在纸笔两旁 [00:14.580] How you can say that grimy [00:15.897] 尊重给到了你的兄弟 [00:17.199] 但是不包括你 [00:17.899] 原因是你虚伪的样子 [00:19.135] Look like you so funny [00:20.431] My boy [00:21.526] 还在渐变为了不让你看见 [00:23.183] 才隐藏了昏暗面 [00:24.220] 等着看清你过完嘴瘾 [00:25.711] I’m not no flex to explain [00:26.834] The flexibility in flexible [00:28.255] Don't judge me under the cover [00:29.491] Kids don’t talking anymore [00:30.851] What’s up [00:32.914] 我早就看透了 [00:33.862] 摆手了砸烂你的酒杯 [00:35.548] 一首首塞满了废话的破歌 [00:36.828] 听不懂 [00:37.100] 听不到十秒钟 [00:37.882] 拍子都压不动 [00:38.442] 啥子风格都耍不拢 [00:39.394] Wake up I'm your big problem [00:41.424] 年轻的国王们 [00:42.327] 都别再保持低调 [00:44.320] 关不上我嘴巴 [00:45.328] 随便拿去剪辑 [00:46.350] 或者P(修图)掉 [00:47.494] Time