Patience i have nobody else everything all by myself please don't look down upon i have patience emm i have patience to help my life i wish i will go to the top ready for change my ****ing bad life i just need to help my fam I have patience、 I don't know afraid I just want to free Climbing On my way If I don’t have a patience How can save my patience never ever! 我只想努力点难道我有错 pussy ass stop my tape down 没有我你还能turn on? **** around all my hate down 做张专辑差点弄丢了学位 所有人都觉得我走的wrong way **** around haters 1 fineday i win snowland will be …. i just have a way to turn on i dont think about that ****ing badass stop me go up i just do i want please don't touch my story patience you dont know my background i always keep my patience trust me I can go to the top i just want take anymore make my life better than now i have nobody else everything all by myself please don't look down upon i have patience emm i have patience to help my life i wish i will go to the top ready for change my ****ing bad life i just need to help my fam I have patience、 I don't know afraid I just want to free Climbing On my way If I don’t have a patience How can save my patience never ever! how can i take a fame 我只想让家人生活好点 i dont know the fakeshit take a money Buy some features All the fakeass get da money with the ****ing resources look at you down facing to wrong we have to strong x2 look at you down facing to wrong we have to strong 1Fineday I will…… 特别感谢录音的小伙伴们 luv Record:SNOWLAND STUDIO MIX/母带:A$layer