Nuclear Attack Out on the streets they're all living in fear You can hear their hearts pound as the moment draws near One push of a button is all it would take To dress the world in black One fault in the system a fatal mistake And you never come back from a nuclear attack The Russians are ready the US is armed They try and tell us there's no cause for alarm If you think you can live like a rat in a sewer Might stand a chance to stay alive No one can say no one knows for sure Just who will survive a nuclear attack nuclear attack nuclear attack You ain't never coming back no From a nuclear attack Oh no no no no no yeah Out on the streets they're all living in fear You can feel their hearts pound as the moment draws near You won't know what's hit you it'll happen so fast Won't be the time to even scream You'll just be burned up by the heat of the blast A thing of the past in a nuclear attack Nuclear attack nuclea nuclear attack