Oblivion 作曲 : ナノ/Seann Bowe Will you cry with me Close your eyes with me And listen to my heart, listen to my heart 'Cause I'm losing myself to oblivion Deep within 悲しみの奥に 誰の目にも触れずに 震える a fading light Somewhere far away 声の無い祈り 誰にも届かずに 消えゆく a flame of life When I'm all alone, feeling every pain flashback When the hope is gone, then I hear your voice playback 繰り返すこの葛藤(バトル) 果てしない Did you find the better life you were looking for When you went and sacrificed your soul Just listen to your heart, listen to your heart When you're losing your hold 現実から目を逸らしても 真実と呼べないだろう Do you feel there's something more inside oblivion I'm caving in 閉ざされた過去に 閉じ込めてた痛み 容赦無く疼き出す Somewhere far away I hear a distant melody Ringing inside my memory 心が騒めくんだ When I'm all alone, feeling every pain flashback When the hope is gone then I hear your voice playback 闇の中さまよう道 果てしない Did you shed the bitter past you've been running from Are you just afraid of letting go Just listen to your heart, listen to your heart When you're losing your hold 我武者羅に犠牲を払っても 明日は変わらないだろう So you pray there's something more inside oblivion I tried to see the good inside of me I tried to change but it wasn't enough So save me Or kill me Oblivion Just help me remember again When the silence in your mind is deafening And you don't know how to carry on Listen to your heart Listen to your heart 聞こえるだろう Did you find the better life you were looking for Did you finally reach your happy end Then you know there's nothing more inside oblivion So save me Or kill me