Things That Rhyme With Orange I'm so iconoclastic; I'M CLASTI C! I only want you to think I'm fantastic. I'll participate in what you believe, IF YOU GIV E ME THE A TTENTION! Yeah, yeah thats the only compensation I want to be included in your conversation. So am I "in" or am I "out" WH AT IS THER E TO THINK ABOUT!? What is that paint brush for? Are you preparing to draw me? No wait, please don't! i am scared, Of what I'll see... I'm not a perfect picture portrait, But i am working on it! I've been thinking about being cool, I must have to admit! Blame it on the corporate skyscrapers in the clouds, But if it wasn't for you, We wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I suppose to choose, which one I belong to? I think I'll perpetuate a pre-existing runway, I guess it is all of the **** almost as cool as creating a fresh New elaboration yourself. It's a marker! IT'S A SIG N! It's something we define! It already exists, BUT YOU HE LPED REFIN E! An emblem for all your aesthetic kin, TO RECOGNI ZE YOU BY! Blame it on the corporate skyscrapers in the clouds, But if it wasn't for you, We wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I suppose to choose, which one I belong to? Obscenity is a crutch for traffic drivers. If you need to use the restroom just ask politely. I like the way I do it, better then the way your not. Lifting up the toilet seat was the way I was taught. [x2] It has to be a unanimous determination. Because one opinion would be a pointless appreciation. YEAH, SURE THANKS FOR THE INVITA TION! DON' T WANT TO BE INCLUDE D IN YOUR CONVERSATI ON... IT'S TO LATE! W E'VE OVER THROWN I T OOK ALL YO UR FRIENDS, AND YOUR A LL ALONE. Blame it on the corporate skyscrapers in the clouds, But if it wasn't for you, We wouldn't have all these multiple crowds. How am I suppose to choose, which one I belong to?