whitespace sorry i disappeared, my sorrowful spirit and my awfully irritable personality makes shit harder when it's supposed to be easy makeshift heart in my chest can't process no feelings so i'm best friends with my ceiling, just- waiting for something to happen i wanna say it but no one's asking so i guess i'm going back in the whitespace, i'll probably just nap again try to navigate through my dreams while i'm chased around by my demons the knife is sinking in deeper my life is steady repeating like can anyone hear me screaming? i'm losing all my meaning this staircase never ends it's leading me back to right where i began i do what i have to sacrifice my mind i'm descending into madness this wonderland's a nightmare i'm starting to feel like alice it's hard to stay hopeful when this world is full of malice spreading through my brain like a virus tell you to be humble when they only care about your status like you should just be happy that you even made it happen i was nothing in the past so why am i something to yall now? **** that, ima burn the world to ashes yall ain't ever cared about me AGHhh waiting for something to happen i wanna say it but no one's asking so i guess i'm going back in the whitespace, i'll probably just nap again nah i'm just playing, yall ain't gotta panic don't be frantic, i'm just make it when i crash you'll understand it...