Peel St. Oh, where were you when the ice came to town? Oh, where were you when the ice came around? You don't remember? You don't remember? Was there enough to kill the whole damn street? Was there enough to improve your swing? You don't remember? You don't remember? Where were you when the ice came around? Oh, where were you when the ice came to town? You don't remember? You don't remember? Did your fame come a little too late? Do you find it carries far too much weight? You don't remember You don't remember I'm falling in, I'm falling out, I'm falling back I'm falling in, I'm falling out Falling back, falling in Oh, Anna Oh, Anna I'm falling in, I'm falling out, I'm falling back I'm falling in, falling out Falling in, falling out Oh, Anna Oh, Anna Well, I've always been told what to do But now I'm free There's no warden Following me Following me Following me But now I'm free There's no warden Following me Following me Following me Following me Following me Following me Following