Speedy Gonzales Speedy Gonzales -Re-Recording -Pat Boone It was a moonlit night in old Mexico I walked alone between some old Adobe haciendas Suddenly I heard the plaintive cry Of a young Mexican girl You better come home Speedy Gonzales Away from tannery row Stop alla your a-drinkin' With that floozie named Flo Come on home to your adobe And slap some mud on the wall The roof is leakin'like a strainer There's loadsa roaches in the hall Speedy Gonzales Why dontcha come home Speedy Gonzales How come ya leave me all alone "Hey Rosita-I hafta go shopping downtown For my mudder-she needs Some tortillas and chili peppers " Your doggy's gonna have a puppy And we're runnin'outta coke No enchiladas in the icebox And the television's broke I saw some lipstick on your sweatshirt I smelled some perfume in your ear Well if you're gonna keep on messin' Don't bring your business back a-here Mmm Speedy Gonzales Why dontcha come home Speedy Gonzales How come ya leave me all alone "Hey Rosita-come queek-down at the cantina They giving green stamps with tequila "