Fear In Flight somewhere up there somewhere up there all so clear up here suspended in mid god air dependent on metal man machine obscene device what price i pay to face my fear my airs/fears the shortest distance between two point is years up here up here up here up here it's not that deep people say it's not that deep it's not that deep not that deep that deep then why does XXXXXXXXXXX lover arms escape me only fear invades me too swiftly too easily squeezing me graft and hard fake and identity all so clear up here so clear up here so clear up here so clear up here do i fear not flighing but the soaring what if i were to don waxen wings become to god not honorable then soon become to comfortable then soon become to powerfull in my personal ascension soar to close to the sun soar to close to the sun reach my zenith or like egress will i like daedalus's son fall planet will i like daedalus's son fall planet will my summit be more like my hell or will i stay buoyant up here up here up here up here prayerfull and feelings knowing death is inevitable life is more veritable because if i am scared of dying i cannot live because if i am scared of dying i cannot live up here