Pumpkin Spice Dummy Sipping my Pumpkin Spice with Pumpkin Pie. All the flaours warm and nice. Caramel Cheesecake stuffed Peanut Dynamite, Tonight. I’m marching down this crooked street, Searching for you once again. All the cavities over my body. Will you fill them in for me, Please? All you want is for me to let you rest in peace. Isn't that easy? I’ve tried to be more like you, Maybe you should do something too. Given up all my greed and desires, Not that you would care. My apologies are no trick or treat, And I bet you know it’s true. When are we gonna stop this game and move on? If I am a dummy, What does that make you? Tell me please. I just don't know what to do. Rest In Peace. How many pieces of lies are you going to bake? Spitting maggots, Not so lovely are you, I'm afraid? How many cakes,How many cherries of mine are you going to take? With this moldy skin,Dislocated legs, And no sympathy thrown my way. All you want is for me to lose my sanity. It is quite easy I know you want me gone, But heaven nor hell would let me through. Sorry for wasting your oxygen. I will try again. Cut me up with your scissors, And my intestines go loose. When are we gonna start another game once more? If I’m still a monster, Then so are you too. A monster who humiliates me for food. Lattatulee paleela, Tuleepalle looleellappapa. Lattupulle toleella, Tuleepalle looleellappapala. All you want is for me to return your sanity. That’s so easy. We've stabbed each other enough already. The pain cannot undo. It takes only one of us to quit, But neither of us wants to lose. You're doing this for my own good, Though your love, It leaves me bruised. If you really cannot forgive me, Then I'll fight too. Can't you see?I’m bleeding a Maple Syrup pool. Candy Marshmallow Toffee Crème Br?lée, Keeps me awake. Sweet darling, My Little Dummy. Do you have to be such a fool? Half eaten berry lollipop pierces through your skull. Maybe, I’m really a monster, Just like you. Craving for your bittersweet Pumpkin Dummy Juice. Maybe, I'm responsible for things that I do, But come on. For a dummy, That can't be true.