Winter 作词 : Berlin Psycho Nurses柏林护士 作曲 : Berlin Psycho Nurses柏林护士 Winter 冬季 Berlin Psycho Nurses 柏林护士 词曲/Words and music :Berlin Psycho Nurses柏林护士 吉他/Guitar:老顶、OD 人声/Vocal:伍一夫 贝斯/Bass:多宝 鼓/drum:张九章 制作人/Producer :谭哲飞 录音师/Recording Engineer:何旭聪(UDS Studio) 混音/Mixing Engineer :Daniel Duskin(LA) 母带/Mastering Engineer/Daniel Duskin (LA) Our fists to their bombs!我们用拳头对抗炮弹 Our fists to their bombs! 我们用拳头对抗炮弹! We’re surrounded by enemy’s tanks and they are bombing us apart!我们被敌人的坦克包围,它们几乎将我们炸散! Our fists to their bombs!我们用拳头对抗炮弹! Our fists to their bombs!我们用拳头对抗炮弹! We’re surrounded by enemy’s planes and they are tearing us apart!我们被敌人的飞机笼罩,它们几乎将我们撕开! We should remember the history of Charlie the 14th!我们要记得查理十四那惨痛的历史! We should remember how he became a coward and lost his country!我们要记得他像个懦夫一样丢掉了他的国家! We should remember how they treated our families like treating miserable dogs!我们要记得敌人是怎样残酷地对待我们的家人和土地! We should remember how he became a coward and lost his armies!我们要记得他像个懦夫一样丢掉了他的军队和家底! Wake up, товарищ!同志,赶紧醒醒! Stand up, товарищ!同志,赶紧站起来! Shovel up, товарищ!同志,振作精神! Strait up, товарищ!同志,挺直腰杆!