Memories Chorus 1) All the memories of hate and the lies don't you know eventually we'll pay the price all the hopes and the dreams will survive reunite we got to keep our faith alive verse 1) 初次遇见你是一个寒冷的冬天 无助孤单而又非常疲倦的一天 面带明亮的微笑向我走来 被暖暖抱住的我仿佛在飞翔 感到幸福的我就像昨天发生的一样 那时我对自己无数次 数百遍地重复地说过 不让美丽的你后悔 Chorus 2) All the memories of hate and the lies don't you know eventually we'll pay the price all the hopes and the dreams will survive reunite we got to keep our faith alive verse 2) 为什么不负责任地把我送到这个世界 曲折的我的人生之山是如此高 怎样爬也看不到尽头 在狭窄的小道迷路里的我 连身后的影子也疲倦了 I take a step a slower 厌倦了一切害怕所有人的微笑but let go my pipe dreams that robbed me like a viking 现在放弃还为时尚早Risin 踢开被子抚摸着那干瘦的妈妈的脸 天上星星映照下 偶然听到秒针的嘀嗒声 暮然回首现在向前奔 *Chorus 1) All the memories of hate and the lies don't you know eventually we'll pay the price all the hopes and the dreams will survive reunite we got to keep our faith alive faith alive all the hopes and the dreams will survive reunite we got to keep our faith alive