Blue Luv How many days and nights fly Can remember I am sitting beside the window Wondering how to go from here The world could be a tough place But love is inclusive I have been in situations where I knew raw , rash , naked fear I can always feel you Will you still hold me when I am weak Will you still care me when I am sick Will you still hold when I am cold Will you still love me when I am nervous Wo-o-o Your love is a piece of blue for me Vo:Soon/主唱:酸 Guitar&Program:Folder/吉他与采样:文件夹 Bass:Kool/贝斯:元帅 Drums:Jason/鼓手:卓越 作曲&作词 : HyperSlash Just stay with me When I looked out of the window It was raining Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them There is no one on the street but I can see you suddenly I do know you will always come in time When rain is coming I will be with you When lighting is playing I will be together with you When it is shinning, I will be with you Whether is windy or snowy I will always be with you Give me a hand, I want to try If we can jump, go up to the sky Give me all the energy If there is a purpose for my life I trust in you Everything Let’s make it someday Never say die, no doubt about it Give me a hand, I want to try I believe we can jump up into the sky Give me all the energy I have a purpose for my life I trust in you Everything We’ll make it someday Nice to meet you, nice to be with you I’ll say it loud “Nice to meet you!” It’s so nice to have met you