Try Me!(Feat. Chelsea) 作词 : AceWayne/Chelsea 作曲 : AceWayne/Chelsea 编曲:Luxury 缩混:W.T.M 录音:FU 翻译:Jiao Soft try me/来吧一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Try me Try me Try me/都来吧 Soft U should try me/来吧一起上 Run fast I’m in Ferrari/我的成长速度像法拉利在飞驰 Soft U should try me/来吧一起上 Came from nothing but shining/纵然一无所有但熠熠生辉 Verse Ace Wang Phone call still saying/电话还一直响个不停 Nowadays lil bae get lit/现在名声大噪的都是Lil字辈 Depending on Internet wanna “pushy wet”/依靠互联网成名达到** become more rich and get fame/变得更有钱更出名 How bout your lyrics (pale)/你的歌词怎么样呢?(苍白) How much money u gonna pay bills/你要花多少钱买单 Few syllable meaning intangible only one facking stuff visible is drugs on sale/看不到有意义的歌词全部宣扬着违禁药品 If they run up on the talking about Harvard Lil Pump and facking Lil Yatchy/他们一直在提及Lil Pump和Lil Yatchy is the goddamn music that they play when they take pills and party/他们唱得都是在派对上磕嗨之后的歌 There's nothing gangster bout being addicted to codeine or Xanax/吸***或赞安诺并不证明你有多强 We don’t need so much properly the half/这种Rapper我们只需要一半就够了 Bring me the stones call me Thanos/带来无限宝石我会像灭霸一样摧毁你们 Switch flow we so **** money in the pocket like Rich The Kid/现在换个flow口袋里装满了钱就像Rich The Kid(说唱歌手) With my bro hit the floor anti A-C-E please do it quick/我和我的兄弟们轰炸着舞台,想反对我ACE的快放马过来 Damn, you maybe don’t know me/你可能不认识我但没关系 I'm not professional but I'm Kobe/尽管我不够专业但我就像科比 U got technical fouls but I dished out so that's why I am the champ U know that's a glory /你吃T但我能助攻全队,所以我会是冠军 Soft try me! Bae don’t lie me/来试试吧,别对我撒谎 Repeating all the time bout Gucci or Roley/重复的歌词都是Gucci和Rolex I don’t care the chains cause I cascade all the bars around my neck/我不在乎金链子 因为我把我的歌词串联起来戴在脖子上 Maybe you're sick/或许你感到厌恶 Hip-hop is not copy and paste/但Hiphop绝不是复制粘贴 fabulous beats were wasted/你们浪费了那么多优秀的伴奏 It’s a race, but I can make it in my 20th birthday even though nothing on my wrist/这是场竞赛,即使我年方二十,一无所有,我依然能笑到最后 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Try me Try me Try me/都来吧 Verse Chelsea In to the dark, we burnt that fire/我们在黑暗中点起那团火 Closed the eyes to feeling the air/闭上眼睛感受空气 Holding the cash into the ***/攥着钱发生着关系 Lose ur mind and play so high/失去理智玩到嗨 don’t wanna provoke ,u are a joke/不是我想挑衅,你就是个笑话 If u really got to know/如果你非要知道 mouth of definition aint nobody feeling so ****/没人像你这么蠢 U with stupid narrow view/你和你又傻又狭隘的观念 don't talk just stop/闭嘴吧别说了 Gucci prada in ur mouth,it is too ordinary/古驰普拉达在你的嘴里稀松平常 but its paid by your parents salary/但那是你拿你父母工资买的 no talent as Nate/不像Nate一样有才(Nate Feuerstein 说唱歌手) But you are fake/但为人虚伪 Everyday I ate all the rappers like dinner steak/不要和我beef,不然我击败你们就像吃牛排一样简单 Punch your face/火辣辣的打在你脸上 Why did ur MAMa think ur crown will be dropped?/**妈为什么认为你头上的皇冠会掉? define yourself as a princess or god/把你自己当作公主或是上帝 but you are a fantast,indeed/但你的确是在做梦 dreaming alone on the bed,succeed/独自在床上梦想自己成功 feasting and revelry, dripping the jewelry Dressing like a bae so debauchery as a hoes设宴狂欢,挥洒珠宝,穿得像个 一样放荡** but truth is so bored/但事实真的无聊 Wander hive and dancing floor/每天都混迹在Hive酒吧(澳门一家酒吧)和舞池当中 can not even afford real luxury/或许有了一些钱但你根本买不起真正的奢侈品 how ridiculous u were?/你看看你有多可笑 teenager fantasy, a pedantic dream that's tragedy huh/幼稚的幻想,迂腐的梦想可惜只是个悲剧 Sit down and be humble, Kendrick's humanity huh?为人谦虚一点这是Kendrick教给你们的(说唱歌手Kendrick Lamar的代表作《HUMBLE》) Come on try me/来吧,一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Soft try me/来吧一起上 Try me Try me Try me/都来吧 Soft U should try me/来吧一起上 Run fast I’m in Ferrari/我的成长速度像法拉利在飞驰 Soft U should try me/来吧一起上 Came from nothing but shining/纵然一无所有但熠熠生辉