onyx! Off-white, designer my ice Space jam 11 make me like mike Onyx on my pinky ring it's sumn lite Honestly ima king, yeah im nice with it ***** im up now the people say wassup now First they sleep now they only showin love wow ***** im up and the snakes are out the grass now Fake love and the peers actin sus wow Outa my city I'm the only mof**cka who gon rise from it Dont expect a free verse, there's a price on it Pardon me i ain't cocky, that's my confidence Nowadays i can't fold my wallet MKI on my chest, i might pop da collar See these clones all my sons, ***** i am ur father I'ma star shinin bright in the cold night Patent leather they reflect in the moonlight yuh Off-white, designer my ice Space jam 11 make me like mike Onyx on my pinky ring it's sumn lite Honestly ima king, yeah im nice with it ***** im up now the people say wassup now First they sleep now they only showin love wow ***** im up and the snakes are out the grass now Fake love and the peers actin sus wow Outa my city I'm the only mof**cka who gon rise from it Dont expect a free verse, there's a price on it Pardon me i ain't cocky, that's my confidence Nowadays i can't fold my wallet Wit my belt hangin low, yeah that's Y3 yuh Take my girl out to the city and it's on me yuh 5-star restaurant every time we eat Got the yellowtail on the rice lookin at the sea Feel like sephiroth i'll never be a memory Pinky out when i'm sippin arizona tea I'm on my sad boy **** out in yoshi city And u kno its your loss if u not ******* me ***** im up now the people say wassup now First they sleep now they only showin love wow ***** im up and the snakes are out the grass now Fake love and the peers actin sus wow Outa my city I'm the only mof**cka who gon rise from it Dont expect a free verse, there's a price on it Pardon me i ain't cocky, that's my confidence Nowadays i can't fold my wallet