Chow Down Chow Down -Various Artists He called us slobbering Said we were mangy Did I hear stupid Huh Tell us again gee It's so incredible That you're so rude When you're so edible When you are food It's time to chow down Chow down Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down I'm chompin'at the bit baby My stomach's on the growl son Chow down Chow down You both been invited on a date Two courses handed to us on a plate We'll have you raw won't be long to wait Seeing you're already brown Chow down Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chow down Your ribs are looking so tasty Such chewy little chops chums Eat up Now wasn't it her mom who ate your dad And having parents eaten makes us mad We're gonna settle up the score a tad We've never had a snack of such renown Chow down Chow down Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh- What Ed What is it Hey did we order this dinner to go No Well there it goes I think we should begin the meal from scratch So many juicy segments to detach Be good as gold for you're as good as carved Here kitty kitty We're starved