SO BAD 作词 : ChampionLee/Trippy张豪/腹黑啊 作曲 : ChampionLee ChampionLee Producer Tag Intro ChampionLee: I bought a new bag then they tryna copy from me I like it so bad cause it keep me from the rookie She always told me about the coat that she ever wanted I like it so bad I like it so bad I like it so bad So badly So bad So nasty Like it so bad Give it back to me Got me so high Like Hennessy I like it so bad So badly So bad So nasty Like it so bad Give it back to me Got me so high Like Hennessy Trippy: 放眼望去 放眼望去 我放眼望去都没有什么能让我满意 把最贵最好的货通通全部塞进包里 gta涡轮发动你别想再跟我轨迹 尽情的挥霍 挥霍 子弹上膛帮你解脱 解脱 身边的辣妹从不嫌多 嫌多 想要的都能轻易俘获 不用争夺 ya 我穿上公牛1号的主场球衣 脚底下踩的是aj禁穿乔一 不断进步变得再也无可挑剔 不接电话我正在秋名山飘移 Whoo~我飘了飘了飘了 Gucci墨镜万里挑一我最喜欢黑色 在这个社会我的兄弟全能过的安乐 跟风狗锡纸烫快洗洗睡都别来参合 ChampionLee: I bought a new bag then they tryna copy from me I like it so bad cause it keep me from the rookie She always told me about the coat that she ever wanted I like it so bad I like it so bad I like it so bad So badly So bad So nasty Like it so bad Give it back to me Got me so high Like Hennessy I like it so bad So badly So bad So nasty Like it so bad Give it back to me Got me so high Like Hennessy 腹黑: So bad so badly 我们又出了新的专辑 跟我homie family rolllin' 走起 见识一下我们的班底 看着蔚蓝色天空 都渴望到达巅峰 希望兄弟们都能安乐 这次让我一个人先冲 时间过的很快 想要看清这个世界 我不仅忙着去恋爱 当然还有我的事业 把你伤了不要见怪 哥们儿大学还没毕业 想要名振整个湘外 天生充满躁动气血 在—— 亚特兰 天很蓝 嘴很馋 心很烦 下一站目标是中东 哥们的年纪虽小 但经历的东西无法想象不会两手空空 每次演出后 会畅谈理想 赚再多不会忘了初衷 混迹在这个圈子 那折翼的天使 不带偏执在我们心中 Drrrrr——ay 慢慢上升的地位 我的心事没人能理会 抓住这唯一的机会 不努力一把怎么会得到拔开迷雾才能尝到那成功的滋味 他们把我看作是另类 我的努力成功才能匹配 ChampionLee: I bought a new bag then they tryna copy from me I like it so bad cause it keep me from the rookie She always told me about the coat that she ever wanted I like it so bad I like it so bad I like it so bad So badly So bad So nasty Like it so bad Give it back to me Got me so high Like Hennessy I like it so bad So badly So bad So nasty Like it so bad Give it back to me Got me so high Like Hennessy ChampionLee Produced