Too Much Too Late You're a flower In the garden that I take advantage of Endlessly admiring Every aspect of my nature yeah And I know I've never loved the way you do When your last petal falls Is when I try to get to you But am I not Too much too late I know I shouldn't be calling So much to say About the way that I'm falling 'cause I Turn you away Now Im wondering if I am Too much too late You're a diamond In the middle of a hundred thousand stones Constantly reminding me that I am worth as much as gold And I know I Can never come close in comparison If you give me one more chance again I swear I'll do things different But am I not Too much too late I know I shouldn't be calling So much to say About the way that I'm falling 'cause I Turn you away Now Im wondering if I am Too much too late (doom da da dadoom) Am I (doom da da dadoom) Am I (doom da da dadoom) Am I (doom da da dadoom) Am I (doom da da dadoom) Am I (doom da da dadoom) Am I Too much too late I know I shouldn't be calling So much to say About the way that I'm falling 'cause I Turn you away Now Im wondering if I am Too much too late But am I not Too much too late I know I shouldn't be calling So much to say About the way that I'm falling 'cause I Turn you away Now Im wondering if I am Too much too late Too much too late So much to say Turn you away Too much too late