[00:00.000] 作词 : Robert Lopez [00:01.000] 作曲 : Tom MacDougall/Chris Montana [00:06.932]Anna: [00:07.933]The window is open, so's that door [00:08.681]那扇窗和門已經打開 [00:09.930] [00:10.183]I didn't know they did that anymore [00:10.933]它們以前從沒有打開過 [00:11.931] [00:12.433]Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates? [00:13.179]誰知道我們擁有八千個沙拉盤? [00:14.433] [00:17.433]For years I've roamed these empty halls [00:18.683]我已經在這空蕩蕩的大廳漫步了好幾年 [00:19.430] [00:19.929]Why have a ballroom with no balls? [00:20.934]為什麼舞廳裡面沒有舞會呢? [00:21.679] [00:22.432]Finally they're opening up the gates他們終於開了大門 [00:25.182] [00:26.929]There'll be actual real live people [00:27.679]這裡將會有真實活生生的人們 [00:28.681] [00:29.429]It'll be totally strange [00:30.431]這肯定會很奇怪 [00:31.179] [00:31.681]But wow, am I so ready for this change [00:32.432]但是我已經為了這個改變做好準備了 [00:33.930] [00:36.679]'Cause for the first time in forever [00:37.429]因為這是我有生以來的第一次 [00:38.932] [00:40.433]There'll be music, there'll be light [00:41.933]這裡會有音樂,這裡會有燈光 [00:44.681] [00:45.430]For the first time in forever [00:45.934]有生以來第一次 [00:48.433] [00:50.180]I'll be dancing through the night [00:52.934]我將會整晚跳舞 [00:53.429] [00:54.679]Don't know if I'm elated or gassy [00:56.183]不知道是歡欣還是慌張 [00:56.681] [00:57.181]But I'm somewhere in that zone [00:58.432]但我的心已經跑到某處了 [00:59.433] [00:59.683]Cause for the first time in forever [01:01.930]因為這是有生以來第一次 [01:04.932] [01:05.184]I won't be alone [01:06.683]我不再孤單 [01:07.428] [01:08.683]I can't wait to meet everyone! (gasp) [01:09.928]我已經等不及要看到大家了(抽一口氣) [01:10.433] [01:11.182]What if I meet... the one? [01:13.433]如果我遇到...命中注定的那個人怎麼辦? [01:14.179] [01:14.680]Tonight imagine me gown and all [01:16.183]想像我今晚穿著長禮服 [01:16.433] [01:16.683]Fetchingly draped against the wall [01:18.428]穿著裝飾迷人地衣服倚靠著牆邊 [01:18.680] [01:19.183]The picture of sophisticated grace [01:22.181]像幅精緻優雅的圖畫 [01:22.683] [01:23.933]Ooh! I suddenly see him standing there [01:25.933]喔!我突然看到他正站在那裡 [01:26.431] [01:26.680]A beautiful stranger, tall and fair [01:28.183]一個高而且有白膚金髮的漂亮陌生男子 [01:28.429] [01:28.933]I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face [01:32.434]我想要塞一些巧克力在我的嘴裡 [01:33.180] [01:33.683]But then we laugh and talk all evening [01:35.179]我們會談天說笑一整晚 [01:35.433] [01:35.930]Which is totally bizarre [01:37.430]這景象真的好奇妙 [01:37.683] [01:38.182]Nothing like the life I've lead so far [01:40.433]和我過去的生活完全不一樣 [01:42.183] [01:42.432]For the first time in forever [01:45.431]有生以來的第一次 [01:46.433] [01:46.683]There'll be magic, there'll be fun [01:51.180]這裡有魔法,這裡有歡笑 [01:51.683] [01:51.930]For the first time in forever [01:55.429]有生以來的第一次 [01:55.933] [01:56.181]I could be noticed by someone [02:00.430]我會被某人注意到 [02:00.933] [02:01.178]And I know it is totally crazy [02:02.933]我知道這想法很瘋狂 [02:03.430] [02:03.683]To dream I'd find romance [02:05.183]夢想著我會有場羅曼史 [02:05.683] [02:06.429]But for the first time in forever [02:10.930]但這是有生以來的第一次 [02:12.433] [02:12.683]At least I've got a chance [02:13.934]至少我得到一個機會 [02:15.114] [02:16.303]Elsa: [02:20.397]Don't let them in, don't let them see [02:25.148]不要讓他們靠近,不要讓他們看見我 [02:25.646] [02:26.147]Be the good girl you always have to be [02:30.394]必須總是當個乖女孩 [02:30.897] [02:31.147]Conceal, don't feel, put on a show [02:36.645]躲起來,隱藏你的感覺,做好一場戲 [02:37.143] [02:37.397]Make one wrong move and everyone will know [02:41.647]若走錯一步,大家就會知道 [02:42.148] [02:42.646]But it's only for today [02:43.145]但是這只有為了今天 [02:43.648] [02:43.897]Anna: [02:44.146]It's only for today [02:45.149]只為了今天 [02:45.648] [02:45.898]Elsa: [02:46.148]It's agony to wait [02:46.644]不用再等待 [02:47.148] [02:47.395]Anna: [02:47.395]It's agony to wait [02:47.648]不用再等待 [02:48.324] [02:48.571]Elsa: [02:52.071]Tell the guards to open up... the gate [02:52.821]告訴警衛打開大門 [02:53.326] [02:54.072]Anna: [02:54.572]The gate [02:55.576]那扇大門 [02:55.821] [02:56.076]Anna: [02:57.074]For the first time in forever [02:59.576]因為這是有生以來第一次 [02:59.826] [03:00.074]Elsa: [03:01.326]Don't let them in, don't let them see [03:01.826]不要讓他們靠近,不要讓他們看見我 [03:02.322] [03:02.576]Anna: [03:03.322]I'm getting what I'm dreaming of [03:04.075]我的夢想將要成真 [03:04.573] [03:04.823]Elsa: [03:05.326]Be the good girl you always have to be [03:06.072]必須當個乖女孩 [03:06.573] [03:06.825]Anna: [03:07.324]A chance to change my lonely world [03:10.823]這是一個改變我孤獨生活的機會 [03:11.075] [03:11.326]Elsa: [03:11.575]Conceal [03:12.076]藏起來 [03:12.576] [03:12.826]Anna: [03:13.072]A chance to find true love [03:15.076]一個去發現真愛的機會 [03:15.322] [03:15.572]Elsa: [03:15.825]Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know [03:16.573]躲起來,隱藏你的感覺,不要讓別人知道 [03:16.825] [03:17.326]Anna: I know it all ends tomorrow [03:18.576]我知道它明天將會結束 [03:19.073] [03:19.326]So it has to be today [03:20.826]所以更要把握住今天 [03:21.326] [03:22.071]'Cause for the first time in forever [03:26.326]因為這是有生以來第一次 [03:26.672] [03:27.841]For the first time in forever [03:31.599]有生以來第一次 [03:32.598] [03:34.098]Nothing's in my way! [03:39.099]沒有什麼能阻擋我!