[00:00.000] 作词 : Lil Flower/BOOGIE_F [00:00.446] 作曲 : wutang clan [00:00.893]FG Comin'up demo [00:01.405] [00:01.646](原曲:WU-TANG CLAN) [00:02.402] [00:03.402]VERSE1 BOOGIE_F [00:04.154] [00:05.397] [00:10.401]Im here want to talk about the flow, [00:12.652]hip hop, funk and soul. [00:13.895]Hip hop start from the street we all know. [00:16.146]Including m-cing, b-boying,d-jing graffiti writing. [00:19.897]Rapping is also an element from the hip hop. [00:22.647]And somebody argued about the b-box and street ball [00:25.400]which is more fit in the hip hop but nobody finally got a result. [00:28.895] [00:28.895] [00:29.394]Then funk, where's this **** come from. [00:32.143]U must have heard of the James brown, [00:34.397]the godfather of funk, bring this things all around. [00:37.149]Now is underground. [00:39.145]And here is Michael, don't forget about the Michael, [00:41.653]unbreakable untouchable,unbeatable,the most incredible. [00:44.647]It's quite simple. He is really successful in his cycle. [00:47.399] [00:48.398]In 20th century 50s, Soul music has been created. [00:52.646]Mix up with R&B and gospel music [00:55.400]then drag into the boogie-woogie. [00:57.649]Seems slow and easy cauz I'm just know [01:01.145]a little about this thing. [01:02.642]So sorry, take it eazy. [01:04.397]I will try harder to learn more about this thing. [01:05.648] [01:06.148] [01:07.646]Let's go back to the flow. U can feel my tongue roll and roll. [01:10.898]But flow is not roll. My flow is quite bold. [01:13.394]My flow is real gold. The flow is the rap soul that burn out my sorrow. [01:15.889] [01:16.401] [01:16.899]听着别以为我不会中文 [01:18.896]写英文歌不代表不是中国人 [01:21.645]我不写中文不是我不会写 [01:23.643]只是这感觉比起英文就差了一点点 [01:26.139]毕竟玩的黑怕是美国的东西 [01:28.392]我心里装着尊敬才会虚心去学习 [01:30.889]写歌不为装逼也不为出名 [01:32.398]为的是对的起良心才能对得起自己 [01:35.892]中文说唱还有很长的路要走 [01:38.142]有些lowb算我拜托我求你住口 [01:40.638]一字一顿的烂flow整天哗众取宠像个小丑一样还嫌观众不够 [01:44.897]有才华的人总是被埋没 [01:47.140]因为看到不公却只能沉默 [01:49.647]我的唇枪舌剑就像AK47 [01:52.143]只要我一天活着我就不会停息 [01:53.142] [01:54.140] [01:54.641] [01:56.891]Verse2 Lil Flower [02:02.638] [02:03.890]Running whole campus let me just walk this beat [02:06.644]loops on the tracks and checking out my streets [02:08.640]know u all waiting all time for all my **** [02:10.891]FG coming up for all ya need [02:12.389] [02:13.386]everyday waking up im feeling im the man [02:16.139]get pass ,take shots [02:17.138]Imma about to slam [02:17.638] [02:18.136]dumping dreaming [02:18.890]alergic to drinking [02:20.145]Never know the one not to teasing then u about to screaming what [02:22.896] [02:23.140]Thanks to the look-me-down [02:24.139]U the one that hold me down [02:25.391]coronation approaching slpendid young Time to get the crown [02:27.389] [02:28.144]Times up [02:28.885]FG lay the goal [02:29.896]Start to roll ,Be a GOAT,Turning best tryna blame my soul [02:32.392] [02:32.890]brand new the old school hit [02:34.645]straight outta Shenzhen not the old time G [02:36.885]Why u always telling me u [02:38.140]the nasty bastard [02:39.391]We just litlle kid rhyming rapping young master [02:41.635] [02:41.887]RIP for the CB in the end [02:43.886]Grind myself and there's no ending [02:46.393]open up the window Let me feel the fresh air [02:48.635]cuz im the realest motherfather shout it out right here [02:51.641] [02:58.642] [03:00.892]躁起来我说什么你说什么 [03:03.389]什么什么这些东西还是什么 [03:05.641]最强烈的敬意送给前辈 [03:08.138]因为你们披荆斩棘为我们开路永远那么前卫 [03:10.135] [03:10.634]对得起所有我们后辈 这对不对 [03:13.641]后人抄袭 累不累 [03:15.392]天天吹嘘自己 配不配 [03:18.133]同样风格韵脚 废不废 [03:19.132] [03:19.643]作为中国人, [03:21.141]龙的传人 [03:22.139]一万五千个汉字必须要用的传神 [03:24.635]自由说唱人, [03:25.634]快点拿出精神 [03:26.633]让我们特有声音 响彻天安门 [03:27.384] [03:28.883]Last shots 不要天天学着migos 说着we roll [03:31.889]搞点独创Trap毒害歪果仁 [03:34.131]不要学着蹩脚trap觉得天天hustle [03:36.383]When we hustle,we run MVP [03:37.891]HU$tle Russell Westbrook [03:38.390] [03:39.389]FCKING FG [03:46.636]Floating Gyro Here *****