Setting The Seen In the beginning far away and after all Out of the balance someone heard somebody call It became known then that the meaning had been lost what can we do? So at that moment a duality was born from naught to one Out of the heavens they did fall upon the earth from one to two One was as woman and the other was as man the two were one And so the journey for the meaning was begun where could it be Into the desert underneath the blazing sun look for the sign Beyond the mountains in the darkness of the night it's getting cold They cannot falter they are soldiers of the Light were getting warm And they did take the names of Sara and of Sam, remember that So they would blend in with the people that they met, no one could tell To ask them questions that nobody seemed to get, I wonder why Not far away there is a Mother soon to cry, it looks so sad Her son is leaving home it's time to say goodbye, why must he go She says remember me, the words fill up his head, I think I know This is our hero everybody will miss Zed This is where all the action's about to begin The sound and the lights will soon sweep you away We've done all we can now it's all up to you There's just one more thing that we still have to say Setting the seen for you and me I want you to know that I want you Setting the seen so you will see everything's here for a reason Setting the seen then you will know I want you to feel every moment Setting the seen and then it's easy to let go Before I leave to take my place before I bare my soul Is there something I've overlooked? When every night is like the last I'm fluttering inside I feel like I'm about to burst, there's nothing I can hide This is where all the action's about to begin The sound and the lights will soon sweep you away We've done all we can now it's all up to you There's just one more thing that we still have to say Setting the seen for you and me I want you to know that I want you Setting the seen so you will see everything's here for a reason Setting the seen then you will know I want you to feel every moment Setting the seen and then it's easy to let go Setting the seen (Setting the seen) for you and me I want you to know that I want you Setting the seen so you will see everything's here for a reason Setting the seen then you will know I want you to feel every moment Setting the scene for you, so now you can get going. It's time to just let go. It's time to just let go.