365 365 and a day, that's how you know The mission is before us, a coded gene inside us A mathematic function I need, I'm monotonic Conquering the highlife, hiding from the daylight Sequences are feeding my killing, my correlation Searching for the borders, a future in disorder Analog corruption amongst the population Altering the skyline, delete it from the baseline 365 becoming me, come with me, come with me, come with me 365 and a day, that's how you know It is hard to say no Before you learn to let go 365 and a day, that's how you know It is hard to say no Before you learn to let go Come with me, come with me 365 and a day to save my soul Just keep on, let the days go We keep on telling them no The mission to divide us will only unify us The systematic functions erase the anachronic Plan to set the outline, form you to the hive-mind Frequencies are seeding your feeding, your automation Decode the synchronizer, analyze the cipher A parasitic system that feeds the embryonic World beneath the high rise, a torment for the sidelined 365, and now you come with me, come with me (Come with me, come with me) (Follow me, follow me) (Come with me, come with me) And bow down before me! 365 and a day, that's how you know It is hard to say no Before you learn to let go Come with me, come with me 365 and a day to save my soul Just keep on, let the days go We keep on telling them no (3, 6, 5 and a day) 365 and a day, that's how you know It is hard to say no Before you learn to let go 365 and a day, that's how you know It is hard to say no Before you learn to let go Come with me, come with me 365 and a day to save my soul Just keep on, let the days go We keep on telling them no