极速梦想(QQ飞车SSC超级联赛主题曲) 作词 : 丹戈尔 作曲 : 丹戈尔 我心动就在这一秒 你带我加速奔跑 风声在耳边呼啸 是谁在尖叫 跟我拼飞车你赢不了 这就是我较量的口号 哦 下一秒 请 你们 看好 We gonna rock you Coming days That would be like the summer I'll be free I'm working on the drifting Happy days I will be the winner I'll be free 'Cause I'm in the speed super cup 我领先你一百分一秒 这就是我的记号 呐喊从耳边呼啸 是我在炫耀 跟我拼飞车你赢不了 要紧跟我漂移的轨道 哦 下一秒 就 请你 看好 We gonna rock you Coming days That would be like the summer I'll be free I'm working on the drifting Happy days I will be the winner I'll be free 'Cause I'm in the speed super cup Coming days That would be like the summer 别错过飞车这场完美的较量 Happy days I will be the winner 你赢了终点我们就为你鼓掌 Coming days That would be like the summer 管你懂不懂我就要开的漂亮 Happy days I will be the winner Happy days I will be the winner Coming days That would be like the summer I'll be free I'm working on the drifting Happy days I will be the winner I'll be free 'Cause I'm in the speed super cup Coming days That would be like the summer I'll be free I'm working on the drifting Happy days I will be the winner I'll be free 'Cause I'm in the speed super cup