Nobody really cares 作词 : 高宇Slient 作曲 : 高宇Slient Nobody really cares. The past will pass. I just want to be simple and easy to live. No longer recall the past, want to fly freely Do not want to stagnate, live not so tired Nobody really cares. The past will pass. I just want to be simple and easy to live. No longer recall the past, want to fly freely Do not want to stagnate, live not so tired 错过了好的机会 看这世界太多的风景 不想平凡的活着 我要爬到别人看不到的峰顶 拿走属于我的 给看不起我的每人一个声明 结果就是年少的胜者必须把这片地盘给统领 别想超越我。 你只能跟随着我 别想抓住我 你只会输给我 Don't try to surpass me. you can only follow me, Don't want to catch me. You only lose to me 这世道变的极端 显示了智者的疯狂 把和平与尊重一词随身放在了胸膛 扶不起的烂泥在秤砣上 阐释着 零克重量 被拒之门外的酒鬼 竟然是 失散才尽的江郎 玩trap的孩子不懂内涵就像磕多了药 躲在手机屏幕看着屌丝男士睿智的笑 打字的双手像是赋予了你全新的高度 自以为是的嘻哈态度 看不清你的招数 Nobody really cares. The past will pass. I just want to be simple and easy to live. No longer recall the past, want to fly freely Do not want to stagnate, live not so tired .Nobody really cares. The past will pass. I just want to be simple and easy to live. No longer recall the past, want to fly freely Do not want to stagnate, live not so tired 闭上谣言的嘴巴 请不要逼我火力全开 不是一个水平的躲开 不然把你们干到改 真的就是怕 后台接着挂 手里敲着键盘 害怕被打 不停煽风点火 肆意的骂 现实的 loser 网上的侠 实际上 一堆臭鱼烂虾 自夸的王婆不卖瓜 keep real的**** 满嘴正义的废话 良心 有没有差 嘻哈的产物必然意外出现太多的奇葩 每个的体现价值 扭曲到了极限也是特别浮夸 主角光环照耀着你 green cap照顾着你 帅气的外表让你不再淘气 假的爱情让你死在田地 幼稚的孩子 现实的呆子 双手不停不停的敲打 像是孤独的baby 没存在感 不合时宜 时间太晚 生命线曲折 长度太短 可怜孩子 狠毒给你大碗 脑壳继续灌灌 父母村口盼盼 不争气的傻蛋 找个医生看看 那些虚伪的rapper还在热情表达着hiphop keep real这个英文单词 硬是风气强扭的歪瓜 Nobody really cares. The past will pass. I just want to be simple and easy to live. No longer recall the past, want to fly freely Do not want to stagnate, live not so tired Nobody really cares. The past will pass. I just want to be simple and easy to live. No longer recall the past, want to fly freely Do not want to stagnate, live not so tired