Rebel Music (3 O'Clock Roadblock) 作曲 : Aston Barrett & Hugh Peart Rebel Music 드렁큰타이거 8집 Feel gHood Muzik : The 8th Wonder 식어가는 열정 어쩌면 무뎌진 욕망 우거진 설정의 숲 속에 초 화려한 조화들에 눈속임 된 우리의 한 걸음 한 걸음 가까운 옛적 먼 나라에 무더운 한 여름 목화밭 향한 노예들의 무거운 발걸음처럼 마음속에 족쇄를 풀지 못해(Huh) 눈물을 흘려도 울지 못해(Huh) 어둠 속 촛불을 들지 못해 함성 소린 파란 하늘을 뚫지 못해 Let this rebel music Let this rebel music wake you all up join the revolution No more probably and maybe this be part of the solution The choice is yours let your voice be heard My people make some noise the world is yours The choice is yours let your voice be heard My people make some noise the world is yours Now all my people get up stand up get down with the rebel music get your hands high Now all my people get up stand up get down with the rebel music get your hands high 녹지 않는 얼음 빛나지 않는 태양 검은 기름이 파도치는 이상한 세상 개 꼬리가 머리를 치는 Wag the dog society 달콤한 연설에 믿음은 결국 바람과 사라진 이곳은 모두가 Truman 춤을 추는 Fake reality show 운명의 눈으로 너를 감시하고 Get low before they find you No more earth wind and fire just rumba clot liars 이미 짜여 진 각본에 정해진 주인공 남의 영혼을 훔쳐 놈들의 양심과 행동은 물과 기름 내 맘의 불을 끄려 해 놈들의 소화기는 Yellow journalism과 맞물린 Dirty politician 여긴 꿈의 자유도 금지된 Forbidden kingdom 내 말이 듣기 싫다면 It's you I’m dissin 내 말이 듣기 싫다면 It's you I’m dissin The choice is yours let your voice be heard My people make some noise the world is yours The choice is yours let your voice be heard My people make some noise the world is yours Now all my people get up stand up get down with the rebel music get your hands high Now all my people get up stand up get down with the rebel music get your hands high Yellow journalism과 맞물린 Dirty politician 여긴 꿈의 자유도 금지된 Forbidden kingdom Yellow journalism과 맞물린 Dirty politician 여긴 꿈의 자유도 금지된 Forbidden kingdom The choice is yours let your voice be heard My people make some noise the world is yours The choice is yours let your voice be heard My people make some noise the world is yours Now all my people get up stand up get down with the rebel music get your hands high Now all my people get up stand up get down with the rebel music get your hands high