Bio Part 1 (Live) Well, it all began June 5th, 1969 That was the day that I was born Now, I was born into a very, very musical family So much so, that I thought that since everybody around me could sing and play That everybody in the whole world could sing and play And it wasn't 'til I got into kindergarten that I realized that I was very wrong Right around the time we were doing "My country 'tis of thee, sweet..." I realized that was not the case Now, uh, as you'll see, my mother is an ongoing theme in the show tonight One of the questions people ask me the most is: How long have you been playing the piano? And really, I don't know We always had a piano in the house I am what you would consider to be self-taught Now, what does that mean, "self-taught"? That means I taught myself to play the piano Now, how'd you do that, Brian? I will tell you how I did that You see, my mother is a classically trained pianist And when I told her I was interested in learrning to play the piano She's like, "Oh great, see, now I can teach you the way that I was taught" So I put my hands on the keys the first time and I did it the wrong way She pulls out a ruler and, bop, smacks me on the back of my hand So I said to myself, "Okay, I"ma play football" That's the end of that whole thing So what I did was, I took the long route and taught myself to play Now, one of the very first songs, actually the very first song I taught myself to play was this one And see if you remember this...