The Whale That Swallowed Jonah Well, the sun is up and a-rising The wagon's headed west Now I can't shake that old suspicion That I settled for second best I've been frugal at my table I've been conscious, I've been blind Who ever said that 40 acres and a mule Would ever keep me satisfied? They say the whale that swallowed JonahOut in the deep blue Sometimes I get that feeling That same ol' whale swallowed me They say the whale that swallowed JonahTo put me through the test Sometimes I get that feeling That I'm different from the rest Now the sons of tomorrow Will come to me in time Life is going by so fast now, baby I haven't had a chance to change my mind I feel it in my fingers I can feel it in my bones Maybe it's the whale's way of telling me It's time to get yourself back home They say the whale that swallowed JonahOut in the deep blue Sometimes I get that feeling That ol' whale swallowed me They say the whale that swallowed JonahTo put me through the test Sometimes I get that feeling That I'm different from the rest They say the whale that swallowed JonahNow in the deep blue Sometimes I get that feeling That same ol' whale swallowed me They say the whale that swallowed JonahTo put me through the test Sometimes I get that feeling That I'm different from the rest