Back In The Seventies 制作人 : Datarock/Yngve Leidulv Sætre I'd wanna go to the Blues Parties The Caribbean I'd wanna Dance to Nothern SoulBack in the SeventiesBe into Two Tone and Post PunkNew Wave and No WaveI'd Wanna Live on Lower East SideBack in the SeventiesCause all the Best of the Early Eighties At least up to '83 Was an Extension of SeventiesPostmodernity I'd be a Fan of Fela KutiAnd a FeministAnd I'd be Dancing at the DiscoBack in the SeventiesBe into YMO and DE VOCultural Relativist I'd be Engaged in the Computer Age Back in the SeventiesHow Sick It Would've BeenTo be ThereIn the Middle of the PastAnd the FutureYou'd Know It Couldn't Last...As the Story Goes NowAnd Everybody KnowsEven History'll Show HowEverything RevolvesAround Peaks like ThoseHow to Outgrow Being a Moron?Stuck in the EightiesDo as D A T A R O C KTake a Look at the Seventies