Long Gone The telephone is ringin', Ringin' off the wall, It's your Las Vegas lawyer, Another long distance call. He says you get the house and the car and I get the clothes I got on. CHORUS: Now she's gone, Long, long, long, long gon. Now I'm a happy boy. She's long, long, long, long gone. Operator, get me Manhattan, Get my baby on the line. Sooner or later She's gotta realize That all my feelings were for real, But maybe she was leadin' me on. CHORUS She took the frigidaire, She got my favourite chair, You could sy she's got the best of me. It's like a legal crime, But in a matter of time She'll be back for the rest of me. But now she's gone, Long, long, long, long gone. Now give me peace of mind. She's long, long, long, long gone. Now I'm a happy boy...