I Live Not Where I Love Come all ye maids that live at a distance Many a miles from off your swain Come and assist me this very moment For to pass away some time Singing sweetly and completely Songs of pleasure and of love For my heart is with them all together Though I live not where I loveWhen I sleep I dream about you When I wake I find no rest For every moment thinking of you My heart affixed in your breast Although far distance may be assistance From my mind his love to remove Yet my heart is with him all together Though I live not where I loveAll the world shall be one religion Living things shall cease to die If ever I prove false to my jewel Or any way my love deny The world shall change and be most strange If ever I my mind remove For my heart is with him all together Though I live not where I loveSo farewell lads and farewell lasses Now I think I've got my choice I will away to yonder mountain Where I think I hear his voice And if he calls then I will follow Though the world it is so wide For my heart is with him all together Thought I live not where I love