White Man Knight Some sing of their glory Few tell the true story Most men they don't need it White man he kills for it. They took to the seas Searching for a land that they could call Paradise Stealing the breeze that carried them towards the sun With lust in their eyes and a gun in their hand They said we've found Paradise Think of the glory look at the prize we've won. We know who they were They were the ones who killed their brothers To steal from others We know who they were They were the ones whose sons and daughters Are doing it still. And in their hearts what did they feel? Did they think they had the right to steal Another man's land who had no name? O they didn't think he'd feel the pain. So they sailed away from their own country To another man's land far across the sea And they stole that land from the people there And they called that land Australia. Chorus: Why did he do it White Man? They sailed away one winter's day To a sunlit land that was far away And they stole that land from the people there And they called that land America. Chorus