作词 : Under Factor 作曲 : Under Factor New School **** ——Under Factor & NOFLEXIN Hook So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus Verse1 Fresh Jah: 你知道我的mic 连着脉搏 我站在善与恶的中间 无论你恨我爱我 帮我害我 我仍努力将好音乐呈现 从未妄想一步登天 因为不会被轻易蒙骗 我不记任何风险 无视任何成见 隐藏不代表懈怠而是沉淀 Haters喷我岁数太小 歌儿里swag太少 我还偏喜欢等狗来咬 中文说唱环境不好 那我甘做周围布满荆棘的花 你说我无法做到 我也不理会你这井底的蛙 瓷都在一起 所以haters我不会在意你 看我们携带新歌再度归来技术更拽所有人都请注意 麦克风是我的武器 我用它来清掉所有不屑 Hook So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus Verse2 NOFLEXIN: Started from the bottom 没忘记奋斗基础 在拥挤的607路 上 写下最初的思路 再一点点添油加醋 在砖瓦上层层加固 把指责和不懈都揉碎再溶解 洒于搜集的画布 他们说我像是疯子 神经 太过敏感 但都达不到我的层次 翻字典才找到的灵感 驾驭节奏的maniac 天赋大到犯规 泪水鲜血的沐浴下 倾注我的圣杯 Living like young boss 听这枪炮 吓到你慌掉 听说我当道 小心别呛到 Chilling with Under Factor we the illest alive 别打我们电话忙着拯救地球不在 Hook So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus Verse3 Stan P.B: 现在把嘴巴和脑袋装上开了刃的刀片 黄种人的刀锋战士邪了门儿少见 懒惰的令人讨厌没经历过考验 嘴欠的来找练不讲理不道歉 听不惯的风格我们也能驾驭 别人的段子下一秒就接下句 不觉得今天的奇葩多新鲜 过着提笔忘字还放肆的今天 没动过酒精也没卷过烟 但见过太多的懵逼断片 太多的自私的装逼断言 我他妈就在这里让你遗臭万年 从东北南下 丰台安家 也习惯了被无视寂静关押 有时经典有时臭鱼烂虾 没资本炫富只能让生活折价 Imitating none stop can't blame on the fake shits sounds cheesy 丫缩 子弹 拆掉 枪托 只为了把脚步加快 想赢 别输 现形 别哭 少tm给我在这耍赖 Hook So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus So if y'all can see me now we are going down with this flow Dip into the new world bounce on the line for new info It's fine y'all think we braggin ' they hate us cuz they ain't us I be in the doungen with the dragon squeeze fire in ur anus