Old Willow Lane Sweet honey bees A lavender breeze Children that swing by their knees From the boughs of the Mulberry Tree Purple-stained lips Are singin' a summertime song Stealin' a kiss While shadows grow lazy and long On Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane The Autumn leaves blow In October's glow Before we know it We're turning the page To chapter of glittering snow The seasons they change And it's never the same When you have to go Time waxes and wanes But we're saving your place at the table On Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane The seasons they change And it's never the same When you have to go Time waxes and wanes But we're saving your place at the table On Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane Old Willow Lane