Rabbit Hole Little one Little one, you're on the run Like flickering shadow in the sinking sun You've covered many miles now To many miles for being so terribly young Little one Little one you hear the call Of the wild in the woods When the darkness falls You take a tumble clumsily It's nobodies fault you couldn't see Now you're falling down the Rabbit Hole It's terrifying and wonderful Little one have a peak through the door and see To be upside down is a fine way to be Come sit to tea and drink fears Swallow the river of your tears While they're falling down the Rabbit Hole It's terrifying and wonderful Crawl in through the Rabbit Hole It's death defying and beautiful Even when you're broken There are always doors to open New dimensions to explore But you won't know Until you're in a thousand pieces on the floor And you're falling down the Rabbit Hole It's terrifying and wonderful