my Summer Aphrodite Love's an art let's build a tapestry And I know lately cupid is acting like a fantasy But you and I don't need no extra or some fancy things So we can skip the bow and ditch the stupid fairy wings You're the dream I want forever, I don't care if I wake up I'm lost in bliss whenever I get a test ya taste buds Hazel eyes, tanned skin, you're my summer Aphrodite And while I may have said it wrong you're helping me to see the light Man I'm stuck, the puzzle has me keen to give up I'm just a kid and yet I'm feeling like a king with this luck And you're a queen up in ya castle but ya let down your drawbridge Guess nobility's all the same and it could get a bit boring You're the Duchess to my Thomas, I'm the Robin to your Marian A sort of certain love that only comes alive in fairy land Assortment of the story books that make you learn to care again The only question left to ask is where o' where could you have been And I admit that I might be a bit hopeless Low and behold that I wrote this, a chosen moment of innocence And in a sense I'm broken but ya holding me together You're woven from the fleece; golden, but light as a feather You're the treasure I was searching for but couldn't imagine Favoring myth or a legend, until they find out it's magic We could build a house in the sky, and brew your love potions by sea And in the foam of your embrace you'd be my Summer Aphrodite