Batonga Batonga batonga Please don't go, don't go away Batonga batonga Please don't go away Batonga batonga Please don't go, don't go away Batonga batonga Please don't go, don't go away Batonga batonga Please don't go away Batonga batonga Please don't go, don't go away Hey! Dime que te pasa Mira, a mi no me pasa nada Too many places where we've been to reach out So many people that we need to reach out Is hard to sleep when you're smart and you're hungry Live is one, love is the people's fight Quiereme muy lento Mira que ya no nos queda tiempo Batonga batonga Please don't go, don't go away Batonga batonga Batonga batonga Batonga batonga Hey! No se que me pasa Mira, me siento diferente So many crazy things I need to reach out So many tears that I've lost to reach out Is hard to sleep when you're smart and hungry Love is one, live is one Quiereme muy lento Mira, mira que ya no nos queda tiempo Batonga batonga Please don't go Batonga batonga Don't go away, please don't go Batonga batonga Please don't go, don't go away