Crazy He Calls Me I say I'll move the mountains, and I'll move the mountains If he wants them out of the way... Crazy, he calls me... sure, I'm crazy; Crazy in love, I'd say... I say I'll go through fire, yes, and I will kill fire; As he wants it, so it shall be... Crazy, he calls me... sure, I'm crazy; Crazy in love, you see... Like the wind that shakes the bough, He moves me with a smile... The very difficult, I will do right now; The impossible will take a little while... And I say I'll care forever, and I really will care forever, Even if I, even if I, even if I have to hold up the sky... Crazy, he calls me... well, maybe, baby, maybe, I'm crazy; Sure, crazy in love am I... Crazy in love am I... And I will move the mountains...