Fashionista Fashionista -廿四味() I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I got a passion for flashin' I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I got a passion for flashin' I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I got a passion for flashin' I like a I like a I like a I like fashion 想清楚今年最兴啲乜 跟足啲Magazine 推介买晒就得 究竟Fashion 系咪咁架 你无Sense 又点Lon 得起呀 想清楚今年最兴啲乜 跟足啲Magazine 推介买晒就得 究竟Fashion 系咪咁架 你无Sense 又点Lon 得起呀 今期流行杀落中环人群 唔需要绝衬但最紧要够行 有咁夸得咁夸最怕你唔哗 老妈子都话要着件Crossover Hmm 都唔知着边件好 呢个牌子嗰本杂志好似有报道 拧吓左拧吓右照吓前照吓后 Fashion 友出门口起码要三个钟头 照照照照照到爆镜 个个个个都爱扮靓 最紧要型仲紧要过条命 着错衫个日仲惨过大病 你你你你咁嘅身形 件衫错错错晒cutting 成身名牌都唔代表一定有型 人着衫衫着人你咁都唔明 We are Fashion Policia Style Believa Luxury to Diva We are Fashionistas We are Fashion Policia Style Believa Luxury to Diva We are Fashionistas 想清楚今年最兴啲乜 跟足啲Magazine 推介买晒就得 究竟Fashion 系咪咁架 你无Sense 又点Lon 得起呀 想清楚今年最兴啲乜 跟足啲Magazine 推介买晒就得 究竟Fashion 系咪咁架 你无Sense 又点Lon 得起呀 Chic Chic everywhere texting texting in the air From your kicks to your hair platinum service social care What am I V.I.P.tonight I want to see who's fly Under the disco light A Rockstar's Life We party through the night We're going to Rock and Ride We are your Fashion High A Rockstar's Life We party through the night We're going to Rock and Ride We are your Fashion High Bep Bep Bep Black is The new black 30's is the new 20's So you spending all the money till the last pennies Buying kicks with wings men tights and MBT Now you gotta eat Bui Min daily till the next salary Must rock the scarf even though It's 36degree Cause you Fashionista it ain't about The inside It's about what you see Head to Toe Margiela Chalayan Raf Louboutin and Wang Front row runway shows Call them b**ches they all go With Venti on the left new Leica on the right Got to take the flick of the outfit and twit it tonight Now the after party Moet over chit chat It's not about where you going It's about where you at You Fashionista baby this is how you roll Everything's about you you're so beautiful We are Fashion Policia Style Believa Luxury to Diva We are Fashionistas We are Fashion Policia Style Believa Luxury to Diva We are Fashionistas 想清楚今年最兴啲乜 跟足啲Magazine 推介买晒就得 究竟Fashion 系咪咁架 你无Sense 又点Lon 得起呀 想清楚今年最兴啲乜 跟足啲Magazine 推介买晒就得 究竟Fashion 系咪咁架 你无Sense 又点Lon 得起呀 I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I got a passion for flashin' I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I got a passion for flashin' I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I got a passion for flashin' I like a I like a I like a I like fashion I like fashion Yeah LOL OMG Ha Ha That pants so last season It's so last week Check check check check it out Fashionista Baby Ooow