Here We Go Here We Go (Fatman Scoop )(们开始吧)-Fatman Scoop /Joel Fletcher /J -Trick Written by :James Kritharas /Joel Fletcher Allan Vivo Vivo Higher higher Hands up In the air Vivo Vivo Higher higher Hands up In the air Vivo Vivo Higher higher Hands up In the air In the air In the air Here we f**king go Everybody f**king goin g Let's go Right to be Get you are Right to be Get you are Right to be Get you are Right to be Get you are Get you are Get you are Let's go Vivo Vivo Higher higher Hands up In the air Vivo Vivo Higher higher Hands up In the air Vivo Vivo Higher higher Hands up In the air In the air In the air Here we f**king go Everybody f**king going Let's go