Field Fulla Hillbillies They decided to take a break from the city Took a little ride down 95 Pulled off on a little county road Hit the Cracker Barrel home cookin’ ya know Had to get a taste of the real world Bought a camo shirt from the gift shop girl Hit a gravel road not far from there A little nature trip just looking for deer Grandma was sittin’ in the backseat Saw a little commotion going on She said try not to stare But look over there Lord I swear That’s a field fulla hillbillies A bunch of trucks jacked up kicked back Hanging out like chill billies Little girls snuggled up real close Ya know giving ‘em the thrill billies That right there’s the real thing A buncha rednecks in the country Always have been always will be A buncha hillbillies Hillbillies So they watched a little while sitting there in the car Pretty soon they started pulling out Mason jars Filling up little red cups of plastic Like a scene outta National Geographic The sun was going down so they lit a fire The party had some kinda cave man desire The music they were playing out across that field Had the bottom end thumping on the windshield They know how to make it look fun Kinda makes you wish you were one Right there kids that’s how it is life in the sticks That’s a field fulla hillbillies A bunch of trucks jacked up kicked back Hanging out like chill billies Little girls snuggled up real close Ya know giving ‘em the thrill billies That right there’s the real thing A buncha rednecks in the country Always have been always will be A buncha hillbillies Hillbillies Son of a gun they make it look fun Oh there ain’t nothin’ like That’s a field fulla hillbillies A bunch of trucks jacked up kicked back Hanging out like chill billies Little girls snuggled up real close Ya know giving ‘em the thrill billies That right there’s the real thing A buncha rednecks in the country Always have been always will be A buncha hillbillies Hillbillies