All the Stars Are Dead Now 作词 : Current Ninety Three ... Bloody smoke Foggy smoke Beginnings and endings... There's a heart of the world In the bowed bony Burren There's a trip-hole to her heart In soaring Sn'fellsness And the crack of the world The moist ruddy lips of her Thee slit of the mother fallen Sliced from the stars By the slicing discus At Kamarupa At Kamarupa At Kamarupa From her mouth at the end Of the worlds From her mouth at the end Of the times The shapes that form the ends Of the wheelings The forces that shape the forms Of the breaths That cover the clouds Of the green world's last dancing's Flicker forth like spring-heeled jackals All laughing and bloody and wrathful And peaceful and shining and pallid And burning and liquid and sadness And joy And joy (Mansour is smiling teethly at the stars John sits on the stairs with me His eyes are shining - Mother - come to me) Little lovely licking tongues of fire Smiling and slyly emerge from the stones The air is now very very viscous In the distance Sunday children play pipes The air is now very violent Birds do not fill the air Laughing does not fill the air No bodies fill the air But the sun filters slowly through the air As if it has turned to sticky sweet mud All flowers die Except for some few A chain of burning bloody flowers Follow my eyes crying tears (Lilith is smiling at the corpse of a cow And in that corpsey cow The corpse of another And so on and so on And perhaps forever If times were not folding and falling Over each other And so on and so on and so on And certainly endless) Mene mene tekel upharsin We have been weighed and lost We have been weighed and lost (I slept I dreamt I dreamed a dream: London bright fires smiling and burning Light roads road through the starlacked night Many dark suns are falling falling down London Bridge is destroyed) In my mind pigs and rubble gnaw In the dark heights and hearts of Albion Shudderings in the heart Cruelty in the heart And this is over All over now In Kamarupa In Kamarupa My eyes my mind spinning Spinning back and forth Eyes in London Mind in a hole Oh they come they come They run out Fleeing from what They come out running Running Great Babylon has fallen fallen fallen Jerusalem has fallen fallen fallen The great great beast Is dead dead dead dead Simon, Simon is dead dead dead dead And some other bleeding children Are smiling They're dead in the rubble They're dead dead dead dead And Mercury rises And Mercury falls And how dead dead dead dead Dead dead are you Summertime When the living is easy Summertime When the dying is easy The world shudders on Black tree against a bruised blue sky The fairground is all shabby and silent Red sky at night Red sky at night Danger Christ is crying Christ's tears leaving His heart and night All the many faces we have worn All the many faces we have borne And dead dead dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead dead are we Though once I thought Oh once I read The hidden god plays hide and seek Whilst others still run from him From the world's stomach The goddies emerge And who comes to judge us And who comes to push us The bloody master Is bloody dead dead dead And who comes to strike us And who comes to hold us Where is his colour Where is her cover And What is her nature And where does he shine from (Broken birds move through the air - They all drink blood) When Christ smiles his smile is broken Holly ivy old dead trees Dead dead dead Holy and ivy dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead Rainbow lovely arc lovely lights Dead dead dead dead Horn stag cross meets hunter Dead dead dead dead (Oh Saint Eustace ora pro nobis) Old woman old woman old woman Old and dead dead dead dead Now no summers left This side of boxwood Crosses broken in my midsummer The south is dying The north is dying The west is dying The east is dying There are four corners to the world she said And every one Is dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead dead And all the planets They're dead dead dead dead And all my heart Is dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead It's all dead dead dead