2 much 作词 : 艾福杰尼/Cadell 作曲 : Virgo 合: I don't wanna say 2 much I don't wanna say 2 much (OK) You little boys played too much Little boys played too much (Playin', playin') That's why you're afraid of us That's why you're afraid of us (OK, OK) Cause you know we dangerous Cause you know we dangerous AJ: 有人清清白白有人徇私舞弊 有人颠倒是非有人不太管 恩恩爱爱有人整天赌气 有人初次见面相识嫌太晚 吹毛求疵或是完美主义 那还不是为了获得存在感 明明白白都是我的心 只要好评都是我的亲 难道跪着就是规则 我也曾傻傻的像只飞蛾 So I play too much Play too hard 跟现实多打几个回合 不然我就快睡着 我要怎么和它配合 麻烦头条热搜话题 全部都出现在微博 Cadell: You can be up high calibre and do wrong All the people above you lead you on (Nice) That's why they turn a blind eye when friends do wrong I can be a nice guy or a messed up don I can do both And when I think of chances that I f'd up on (What) I create a career and I get stuff gone (That's what) I am allowed a change of heart (Allowed a change of heart) I am allowed to climb up and play the major part And you might have the drive but it ain't the same as ours (No) They talk a good game but they don't spray the bars They don't spray the bars I play too much, didn't mean to break your heart Here we go 合: I don't wanna say 2 much I don't wanna say 2 much (OK) You little boys played too much Little boys played too much (Playin', playin') That's why you're afraid of us That's why you're afraid of us (OK, OK) Cause you know we dangerous Cause you know we dangerous AJ: 不错不错我也要炒作 不哭不闹我就没奶喝 不想循规蹈矩照搬照做 区块链大会要唱泡沫 窗户打开给你说亮话 让我劝劝这些软脚虾 担心下巴脱臼嘴张大 唱首金曲帮你揭伤疤 翘个二郎腿拨个算盘 玩好了回头慢慢感叹 玩不好就丢了饭碗 再帅的idol也会难看 戳中点帮你叹口气 正确选择朝你走去 想通就帮你办手续 说了作品好坏要看手艺 合: I don't wanna say 2 much I don't wanna say 2 much (OK) You little boys played too much Little boys played too much (Playin, playin') That's why you're afraid of us That's why you're afraid of us (OK, OK) Cause you know we dangerous Cause you know we dangerous Cadell: They been hitting me up like yo You do your thing like that matters Guess what I still ain't gonna bring you in So don't ask me why you're track sounds battered And you're spitting off balance You're looking for an answer look into your bars cause' my gang don't have it The rest of the country are slacking and spitting monosyllabic (Blah) We don't know what happened (Don't know what happened) Some tried their best and some didn't (Some didn't) Some made the most of rough living (Yeah) I learnt so much stuff from one sitting It's our time so we ain't gotta rush Britain Whether it's a train drive or bus living Or in a big fact car I'm still levels At the start I was worried about all today But now we're here I feel settled 合: I don't wanna say 2 much I don't wanna say 2 much (OK) You little boys played too much Little boys played too much (Playin', playin') That's why you're afraid of us That's why you're afraid of us (OK, OK) Cause you know we dangerous Cause you know we dangerous