新宝岛 作词 : Mr.Trouble 作曲 : Mr.Trouble 编曲:Mr.Trouble Verse 1: Welcome back, Triumphal Arch 鸣响二十一发礼炮 翻开the next page, to the New Age 卸下迂腐的锈铁铐 无价的宝藏 你终将找到 自由创作的布手套 治愈懦弱的泡酒药 谄媚吹不响的金口哨 这里没有没见过大海的井底蛙 被钱压趴的软脚虾 只喜欢敲锣打鼓的土乌龟 和被阉割的艺术家 没有本应该在春天里盛放的花 硬被拽着枝桠发芽 没有丢掉骨气只为跪着向上爬 编造出的借口和谎话 HOOK: finally getting ready now and wont leave you out finally getting black and blue rush into the crowd finally getting higher than the highest ego finally gating All the shadows Verse 2: Sometimes I fight for truth And sometimes fight for love Sometimes I fight for myself 孤独的堂.吉柯德 有人说 那无尽的宝藏 是无上的荣耀 带来希望 有人却说那是潘多拉的魔盒 诱发着贪婪和罪恶 传说他们登上过岸 他们克服种种磨难 他们伸手摸到圣坛 却只带回厄运灾难 待我去闯一闯转一转探一番 用我双眼看个究竟 期许我不忘少年意气风发时 坚定不移的初心 HOOK: finally getting ready now and wont leave you out finally getting black and blue rush into the crowd finally getting higher than the highest ego finally gating All the shadows Verse 3: 贫穷不等于无知 富有不等同愚昧 金钱不等于价值 权势不等同约制 就像长不大的Peter Pan 依旧憧憬着wonderland 标记新宝岛的航线 伟大的新世界 HOOK: finally getting ready now and wont leave you out finally getting black and blue rush into the crowd finally getting higher than the highest ego finally gating All the shadows