MONEY ON TABLE MONEY ON TABLE So'Fly U bet your money on table U bet your life for the last call Tell me what your luckiest number 当てに行くなら single zero Let's go my way Yes all the way I'm the king and I'm the queen Im gonna get u wet Oh feel this sweat ふ~ Make it high 超high なの頂戴 lets get it ギリギリギリギリdown lets get it ギリギリギリギリup lets get it ギリギリギリギリdown lets get it ギリギリギリギリup beat like a boxer we smell 泥臭い feel lika a Rockstar 回すmic like コースター そこの奥さんも どうすか?just taste that u wanna get it dirty dirty 前も言ったがget it nasty U driving Boxter I'm on デコトラ U painted Pink! 俺のjust stinks but こっちおいでよsista そのtightに決めたミニスカ let's cheer for that 君とは気が合いそうだ two little monsta slow start the show starts and we don't stop toast up “乾杯” we get it mo rich than わらしべ長者 Let's go my way Yes all the way I'm the king and I'm the queen Im gonna get u wet Oh feel this sweat ふ~ Make it high 超high なの頂戴 lets get it ギリギリギリギリdown lets get it ギリギリギリギリup lets get it ギリギリギリギリdown lets get it ギリギリギリギリup Yeah Casino all my money on Zero 狙え大きいの 回せdise spin off ビビっちゃいねえぇの 持って来いall the cash on table 勝負前gotta cool this down ***** i gotta drink a sip of Cino おかしいの? u just won that 好きにしろ 黒白? No! life is バラ色 u the hero! i think I'm broke now Mr.Zero oh u gotta get your car at valet 待ってる間 倍にしとくyour money two little monsta slow start the show starts and we don't stop 億万長者 I'm the looser I'm flying over to TOSCANA Let's go my way Yes all the way I'm the king and I'm the queen Im gonna get u wet Oh feel this sweat ふ~ Make it high 超high なの頂戴 get rich i get rich get rich i want it rich