Toneless Twilight 「Toneless Twilight」 作曲∶ホリエアツシ I still remember the sun light staring back of us And painting our shadows on the green grass of runway I have noticed the air ship holding our gaze The time has synchronized 重ね合う指はそこに在ることを 繰り返す呼吸は変わり行くことを 確かめ合おう 傷つけ合っても The clear sky weeps sincerely I don't stay in my past It's time to say my last farewell to your ship 君が流す涙は枯れた心を伝う Toneless Twilight Toneless Highlight 手に届かない明日へ I still remember the moon light staring back of us And painting our shadows on the white snow of rail track 罪のない光 救いのない陰 The deep sea smiles silently You're not mired in your past It's time to say your last farewell to my train 君が唄う言葉は冷えた空気を伝う Toneless Twilight Toneless Highlight 手に届かせる明日を 届けたい 君に会いたい Toneless Highlight